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Roadkil's Audit

Latest Version1.35
This Version Downloads43,835
All Versions Downloads44,071
File Size105,029 bytes
File Date14 September 2009
Languages SupportedEnglish
Download Time
18.8 s @ 56Kb/s2.0 s @ 512Kb/s
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Program Description

Creates a database of computers on your network and their configurations. Allows you to track what applications are installed across your network for license auditing purposes. A great help for large networks trying to ensure they are legitimate. Audit also provides a great way of determining which computers in your network require hardware upgrades or software installations.

Screen Shots

Kylie Turvey for sending in the photo of Alley used in the Windows version.

Other Versions

VersionOperating SystemsInstallerFile Size
1.35Windows 9x/Me, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 10 or 11No105029 Bytes