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Raw Copy 1.1 UserGuide

A newer version of this application exists (Version 1.2) for your operating system. Click here to visit the download page.

About Raw Copy

This program copys a disk as a raw image from one drive directly to another. This utility is designed for people who have faulty drive and want to transfer the data directly to another drive without doing a file by file copy. This saves the need for operating system re-installs and allows drives with an unknown file system to be copied (including from console game machines, data recorders, mac etc). The program has a built in data recovery function which will attempt to recover data from bad sectors to ensure all the available data is restored from the drive. This program is designed to run under NT/XP/2000 or later operating systems. It will run under windows 95/98/Me operating systems but only windows logical drives can be copied.


Before you begin it is important to note that the target drive of a Raw Copy will be overwritten with the data from the source drive. Once this data is overwritten it can not be recovered, so please make sure you have read all the instructions and proceed with caution.

Using Raw Copy

To use Raw Copy simply select a drive in the "Source" and "Target" drop down lists. The selections in the list consist of the logical drive letters detected in your system, as well as the physical disks these belong too. A logical drive is anything with a letter assigned such as C:, E: etc. The physical disks are the actual disk drives this information is being stored on. A physical disk may contain multiple logical drives, therefore copying the physical disk may copy many logical drives in one go. It is recommended unless you are a very experienced user that you copy only logical drives to logical drives, and physical disks to physical disks. The selections in both of the drop downs must be different drives. Once you have made your selections simply hit the "Copy" button to begin.

Once the process has started the progress bar will show you how far the current transfer has progressed. The "Read Errors" and "Write Errors" boxes will show any errors that have occured during the copying process. Read errors are those that have occured while reading data from the "Source" drive and write errors are those that have occured while writting this data to the "Target" drive.