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Joined: 10 Nov 2010
Las Vegas
Posted: 10 Nov 2010
I have been tring to automate unstoppable Copier to use for unattended backup process.
I am using on Vista Ultimate 64bit.

what I currently have is this:
c:\backup\uscsa.exe (renamed standalone copy dl'd from roadkill website.
have set task scheduler with these settings:
c:\backup\uscsa.exe +dnz -e fullbackup.ucb
Fullbackup.ucb is copy from c:\backup to d:\backup
but no matter what settings i use it is always using whatever the gui settings were set to.

now it did seem to work in the begining but now it will only run the batch based on the gui settings and not the command line settings.

is there a place where you can erase the gui settings in the registry or reset them.

Joined: 28 Mar 2008
South Australia
Posted: 2 Mar 2011
Thats a wierd one! The registry settings are located in HK_Current_User/Software/Roadkil/Settings_Unstp - just delete this key and try again - hopefully it will sort itself out!

Joined: 13 Jun 2011
Posted: 14 Jun 2011
I'm having a very similar problem. Windows 7 32-bit, v5.2 standalone version renamed to ucopy-x.exe, executing the following in a .bat file. I am not using .ucb files.

1. If I delete the Roadkil registry key and specify relative paths in the batch file:
ucopy-x +wf abc abctest

I get the licensing window, click YES, the GUI interface flashes very briefly, no files are copied and the target folder is not created.

2. If I delete the Roadkil registry key, and specify full paths in the batch file:
ucopy-x +wf t:\abc t:\abctest

I get the licensing window,click YES and the files are copied into new directory abctest. So far, so good.

3. If I then LEAVE the Roadkil registry key untouched and again use full paths in the batch:
ucopy-x +wf t:\abc t:\abctest2

no files get copied and the target directory is not created.

So how do I:

- use relative paths?

- get Unstoppable Copier to work after the first time, without deleting the registry key each time (which then causes the licensing window to appear every time)?

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